


The Sacrament of Reconcilation is offered twice weekly, and during Advent and Lent in a communal setting with several priests assisting in hearing confessions. Check the bulletin during Advent and Lent for communal penance services offered throughout the Danville area. This sacrament can also be requested at anytime by calling the parish office.

Our weekly confession times include:

Saturdays        4:00-5:00 pm

updated March 2025

First Communion

First Communion is celebrated each year in late April or early May for parishioner’s children attending Light of Faith Religious Education and Schlarman Academy.

Contact Cindy Harden at the parish office for more information on First Communion.

Adults are invited to prepare for First Communion through our RCIA Program, which begins in the Fall and culminates at the Easter Vigil.

Contact the parish office for more information on adult First Communion.


The Sacrament of Confirmation is celebrated each year by the Bishop or his delegate.  In our diocese 8th grade is most common. Come Holy Spirit!

Contact the parish office for more information about the Sacrament of Confirmation.


Congratulations on your engagement!

Father John Cyr is more than happy to work with you to schedule a wedding date. Contact him anytime!

Priesthood & Religious Life

Priesthood and Religious Life is one particular and wonderful way a person can embrace God’s call to them. It generally involves a period of prayer, study and discernment before promises or vows are made and/or ordination takes place for priesthood.

If you are interested in becoming a priest or religious and would like to find out more, talk with a priest or contact our Office of Vocations of the Diocese of Peoria.

Anointing of the Sick

Anyone who is facing serious illness, surgery or frailty due to advanced age is welcome to receive the Sacrament of the Sick; contact the parish office anytime, day or night. Those whose conditions worsen at any time are also welcome to receive the Anointing again. We also offer the Sacrament of the Sick during Mass periodically throughout the year; these times will be announced in the bulletin.


Father will meet with your family to plan a funeral liturgy for your loved one. 

To assist you in the selection of music, we have provided the hymns below.

Traditionally the 23rd psalm is sung or read after the 1st reading. 

Funeral Hymns: 

Funeral Hymns

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